With two royal weddings on the horizon and engagement season in full swing, now is the time to bring out our selection of heart-shaped diamond engagement rings - as well as two show-stoppingly large heart-shape diamonds to set fire up your imagination.
We are also seeing a trend for interesting diamond cuts for engagement rings, and the heart-shape is top of the list for the most appropriate cut to declare your love. Lady Gaga's heart-shaped diamond engagement ring put the shape in the spotlight with her Lorraine Schwartz ring from her beau Taylor Kinner. And more recently, Blake Lively borrowed another very similar Lorraine Schwartz ring to go with her Valentine's Day outfit (top) that she shared on Instagram.
A heart shape diamond is similar to a pear-shaped diamond with a cleft cut into the top. It is one of the most complex diamond shapes to cut as it requires sacrificing carat weight to create the intricate shape as the cleft taken out of the top of the pear-shape is lost. What's more, the proportions must be just right to ensure the heart is symmetrical - if it is cut too narrowly the diamond will look pinched, while if it is too wide, it will look chunky. If the stone is not cut perfectly, an unpleasant dark 'bow tie' effect will be visible in the diamond.
The heart-shaped Chopard diamond engagement rings from the Passion for Happiness collection are as romantic as it gets. Options include a delicate heart-shaped diamond on a narrow band glittering with pavé diamonds or a bolder option with a 5.63ct heart-cut diamond surrounded by smaller stones.
Messika's heart-shaped diamond engagement ring is the ultimate in femininity, starring a rare pink diamond. UK Jewellery Designer of the Year 2013, Sophie Harley, who is based in London, has given her heart-shaped diamonds wings to celebrate the brand's 25th anniversary. Her heart-shaped diamond ring has got plenty of sexy style, bringing a tough new attitude to this traditionally girlie diamond cut.
Finally, if in any doubt, a classic Tiffany engagement ring with a single heart-shaped diamond shows off this most romantic of diamond cuts to perfection. British jeweller Boodles bring a retro feel to the Vintage ring simply set with a halo of diamonds.

And finally, two knock-out heart-shaped diamonds to inspire the most wealthy of suitors. The Graff Venus (above) which I last saw unmounted, was unveiled in November 2016 and weighs an astounding 118 carats. Too big for an engagement ring, it would still say 'I love you' in no uncertain terms. Chopard's majestic 342-carat Queen of the Kalahari yielded amongst 22 other stones, a 26-carat heart-shape diamond that can be worn as an earring or pendant. It comes with the knowledge that Shirley Bassey wore it singing 'Diamonds are Forever' at the unveiling of the jewels in Paris. Does it get any better than that?
Updated by Maria Doulton February 2018