In ‘Coveted Art and Innovation in High Jewellery’ Melanie Grant explores the work of 75 jewellers that cross the line between decorative and fine art. In doing so, Ms Grant unearths staggering design concepts, groundbreaking use of materials and convention-smashing propositions of sublime beauty. A life-long lover of jewels, Ms Grant sees these precious creations as: ‘Inherently human ... and utterly spellbinding, tied to the ongoing evolution of humanity in complex and glorious ways.’ Ms Grant is well-placed to offer a thinking woman's take on high jewellery as luxury editor at the The Economist’s 1843 magazine as well contributor to global jewellery publications.
First-time author Ms Grant dedicated three years to producing the book and interviewed some 150 jewellers from around the world. Ms Grant shares her passion and profound knowledge as she guides the reader through the nuances of what makes a jewel much more than a sum of its precious parts into a work of art worthy of coveting.
The book is lavishly illustrated with 190 beautiful photographs of jewels from not only the hallowed names of Place Vendôme and Bond Street but rising stars to look out for and independent jewellery artists favoured by the cognoscenti.
The book is divided into five thematic chapters that study key design evolutions over the ages and their enduring effect on contemporary designers and consumers as well as innovation and craftsmanship. The first chapter looks at Modernism; followed by the cultural cross-pollination of Eastern and European jewellery styles with further chapters dedicated to material innovation, the natural world as inspiration and women’s empowerment.
Coveted is described by publisher Phaidon as ‘a dazzling entrée into its (jewellery’s) glittering history and increasing relevance in the art world…and the perfect gift for anyone who has ever paused by the windows of Tiffany’s around breakfast time.’
Published by Phaidon, The Jewellery Editor's readers receive a 20% discount using the code: COV20. Click here to purchase your copy.