Livia Firth chose her moment well. On the arm of her husband Colin Firth, as the world's cameras were on the star of the King's Speech, Livia's jewels were sending out another message. Livia's Fairtrade and Fairmined gold jewels from Cred were the biggest red carpet statement at the Academy Awards this year. On Valentine's Day this year, the Fairtrade Foundation and the Alliance for Responsible Mining presented the first ever bar of Fairtrade and Fairmined gold ( read more). The Fairtrade marks ensure that the small-scale and artisanal miners get a fair deal as well as helping mining communities and setting environmental standards. And already, this precious metal that has the potential to transform the lives of millions of the poorest miners, has made a star appearance at the Oscars. Livia is quoted as saying: "We associate gold with love and beauty but there is often nothing beautiful about the way that gold is produced. Tens of millions of small-scale gold miners risk their lives in often appalling conditions and get a raw deal for their strenuous efforts. There is a real need for consumers to demand higher standards when they purchase gold and they can do this by getting behind this new and important initiative." Livia and Colin Firth are owners of Eco, a shop in Chiswick, West London that sells ecologically sourced goods. The jewellery was designed by Anna Loucah in collaboration with Cred, the British jewellery house that for decade has been championing ethical jewellery. The Juana ring and earrings were made with OroVerde gold from Colombia - that Cred describe as "the world's only source of Fairtrade Fairmined Ecological gold" and feature 35 carats of traceable aquamarines from a community mine in Zambia while the diamonds are from Jeweltree and sourced from the Liqhobong Women Miners Cooperative in Lesotho. The Green Carpet Challenge documents Italian-born Livia's attempt to wear eco-friendly from tip to toe on the red carpet. Livia's walk down the red carpet at the Oscars may have been just a few short steps, but they could help improve the lives of millions. It is amazing how much good one couple can d0 - and I am not just referring to the British Film industry.