No sooner had Boodles' new ruby and diamond Vintage Lace collar and matching earrings left production, they were being transported to the dressing room of Dame Helen Mirren, who last night wore the dazzling suite of jewels to the premiere of 'Red 2' in London's Leicester Square.
For an actress who is often referred to as acting royalty, the necklace and earrings couldn't have been a more appropriate choice. Set with regal rubies - the undisputed king of gemstones - the sparkling red gemstones picked out the colour of her dress perfectly.
"At Boodles we are great supporters of film and the arts, therefore we are delighted to see our beautiful designs worn by Dame Helen Mirren, one of Britain's finest leading ladies," says James Amos, Director of Boodles. The jewels are the latest addition to Boodles' popular Vintage Lace collection, which weaves delicate antique lace details into contemporary designs.