H.Stern's collection inspired by the Brazilian modern dance group Grupo Corpo twists and turns gold into shapes as sinuous as the dancers' moves. Find out how dance and diamonds come together in this bold new collection. H.Stern the Brazilian luxury jewellery house and Grupo Corpo both share a buzz of electric excitement when it comes to their latest creations. As the curtains rise at Sadlers Wells or other great dance theatres of the world on a Grupo Corpo performance, the dancers will form the shapes and movements that sparked H.Stern's designers to create a line of jewellery alive with movement. The new collection of jewellery is modern and light, with swirls of textured gold moving in rhythmic spirals or joined in links on a cascading necklace that dances with each movement. Drops of perspiration become diamonds and the spirals of gold catch the light as would the blurr of a dancer's costume under the stage lights. Sweeps and turns are translated into arcs of gold and themes of the Grupo Corpo's 30 year repertoire are woven into the different designs. The proportions of each jewel reflect the human body in explosive movement, with the same sensitivity for abstract forms that the Grupo Corpo is known for. The rich use of textured gold in the form of brushed, matte or grooved finishes speaks the subconscious language of dance in which deep emotions are expressed in movement. Touch and sense become stronger than language and reason. The formal symmetry and rehearsed perfection of traditional ballet is swept up in the force of the power of modern dance that celebrates imbalance and contradictions that reflect the human condition. Fast footwork, audacious forms, intensely physical routines and the rich vein of Brazilian music mark the style of this most admired dance troupe. The Grupo Corpo project is the latest of H.Stern's latest series of collaboration with a wide range of creators and artists, starting with Catherine Deneuve in the 1980's and the more recent high-profile association with Diane von Furstenberg. Read more here. H.Stern has explored a wide range of design inspirations from the much-lauded work of architect Oscar Neimeyer ( read more here) to native Brazilian culture. The entire collection is made in either yellow or Noble gold ®. This last precious metal is a speciality of H.Stern that sits somewhere between yellow and white gold. Lightly sprinkled with gemstones, the H.Stern designers chose unusual colours of well known stones such as blue topaz, citrine, garnet, amethyst and the rare beauty of cognac diamonds. A nice twist to this coming together of two creative power houses, is that the dance troupe are based in Minas Gerais, the heartland of Brazil's precious stone industry. And so it is that the ephemeral beauty of dance is captured in folds of gold and precious gems by the art and sensitivity of technically superb jeweller. Let the dance begin. H.Stern - Harrods - Fine Jewellery Knightsbridge - London - SW1X 7XL Tel: 00 44 207 893 8477